Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Care of Bonsai Trees - Don't Be Fooled Into Buying Bonsai Tree Seeds!

Care of Bonsai Trees - Don't Be Fooled Into Buying Bonsai Tree Seeds!

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A word of warning before I talk to you about the care of bonsai trees - don't be fooled into buying bonsai tree seeds. Despite the fact I have seen bonsai seeds offered for sale, there is no such thing.

A bonsai is a work of art, not any particular kind of tree. They are simply ordinary trees that are miniaturized by being potted and having their roots and branches trimmed to prevent them growing to full height. The branches are also "trained" to grow into aesthetic shapes. Almost any perennial, woody stemmed tree will do and, if you're growing them from seed, normal seed will do.

However growing any tree from seed is a slow process and if you really want to get started on bonsai growing as a hobby it is best to buy a very young plant or even better, one that has already been potted and trimmed as a bonsai. Once you have your tree at home you will need to know the few easy steps on the care of bonsai trees to keep it healthy and growing in just the right shape.

It is not difficult to grow a bonsai, but, if you don't know what you are doing, things can go wrong very quickly.

Proper care of bonsai trees, like any plant, involves providing just the right amount of water, food and light. The exact amount will depend on the type of tree you have in your pot. Is it a tree that likes dry, desert conditions? More bonsai probably drown from being over-watered than under-watered. However bonsais are often kept indoors, when the plant itself would prefer to be outdoors. The air inside our houses is often very dry, so one little trick to help your bonsai is too spray the leaves with a gentle mist to create a more natural, humid environment.

Like all plants, bonsais also need regular feeding. The pot your bonsai is growing in is its micro-world. Its roots cannot search beyond the bounds of the pot for fresh nutrients which is why your bonsai needs regular feeding. But here's another warning in your care of bonsai trees - like the watering, you don't want to over do it and kill your tree with kindness.

All plants need light - and bonsais generally like plenty of it, but how much is the right amount for your bonsai depends on the type of tree it is. If you're keeping your bonsai inside it is a good idea to turn it regularly so all sides of the tree get a dose. If you maintain the same position all the time you may find your tree grows towards the light source.

Long-term care of bonsai trees involves pruning of both the roots and branches and training of the trunk and branches to grow into the desired shape. There are five basic bonsai styles - formal upright, informal upright, cascade and semi-cascade, and the windswept, slanting look. It is easiest to start with a tree that is showing a natural tendency to grow into the shape your desire.

As I stated at the beginning, a bonsai is a work of art. It should be pleasing to the eye and tug at the soul. That sounds rather grand and perhaps a little scary for someone who has little or no experience in the care of bonsai trees. However, once you know a few simple techniques it is an enjoyable and relatively easy hobby and there's plenty of help available.

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