Senin, 02 April 2018

Creating A Fun And Inclusive Workplace

Creating A Fun And Inclusive Workplace

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Google has set a strong precedent in creating one of the best offices to work and many newly-employed have used these high standards as a target. So how is your company be able to emulate Googles efforts and yet not burst the annual budget? Must your HR department employ external vendors to provide expensive consultation charges that may not have the acceptance of the rest of the organisation?

Well, the positives of this article are that these relevant tips are designed so that you can easily implement them to attract new staff and lighten the working atmosphere. These ideas will not increase too much of the workload of your staff and can be started right this instance!

Public Walkabout

I feel that every month, your company should organise an open house of walkabout to help the members of public and loyal customers to familiarise themselves with the running of the organisation. This will also give current employees a sense of pride and precious moments to re-analyse the operations of the company. There can be feedback channels for further improvement.


Senior managers should be true to the spirit of allowing more inclusiveness in the workplace by allowing their employees to take charge of decorating their respective work area. This can be in the form of re-painting the walls or even making the effort in buying indoor plants using the sinking-fund. The obvious advantage is that these same workers will find that there is a sense of pride and ownership whenever they come to work.

Selection Of Guest-Speakers

A committee can be formed to decide on the nature of the talks and the list of selected guest-speakers to provide pro bono talks. This committee can issue a questionnaire to find out the type of talks that are relevant to the current batch of workers. To complement this suggestion, another sub-committee can be formed to design and create memorable gifts for the speakers that need not be too expensive.

Informal Presentations

Everybody has a hobby. It is never a good policy to just work without proper rest. The body and mind are not built to withstand such pressure and monotony.

Thus, It is good that each member or a small team can do a quick presentation about a game or hobby to the rest of company. It can be crochet or poetry-reading. This activity can be done weekly, Just imagine the vast amount of new information that can be learned and for free too!

Worthy Causes

Alternatively, the selected team can also make a presentation to support a social cause. Top management can make a stand to adopt a few of these causes with financial help or earmark a few days in a year to allow employees and their families to help out.


The company can have a large area, near the pantry, where staff can pen their personal wish-list anonymously. These can be in the form of looking for external guidance for a childs education or even getting some temporary space while the staff is busy renovating his house. The best outcome of this idea is that the requests can be spread in a private manner and this will boost the level of maturity and trust for the entire company.


The weekly games-day is a good opportunity for the staff to get out of their working cubicles and give their bodies a good stretch. It can also be used for highly-stressed staff, especially from the marketing department, to let out their frustrations in a safe and controlled environment. The CEO may also occasionally use the time after the games to discuss business strategies.

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Image source: There are many ways that you could mak...